With the emphasis that Christ places on children, this unique ministry consisting of children between the ages from toddler to 12yrs seeks to train and nurture children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. In their respective Sunday school class groupings (0-6 years, 7-9 years, and 10-12 years), children learn the scriptures through songs, drama, pictorial representations, movies, video presentations, storytelling, bible memory recitations, poetry and other engaging methods. The ministry’s slogan: “JESUS; FRIEND OF LITTLE CHILDREN” emphasizes the unique position of children in the kingdom of God. 

The children’s ministry also:

Offers bible-based parenting classes to parents and guardians.

Train aspirant teachers for the ministry’s work

Regular meetings are held during Sunday service times at the various worshipping venues. Other ministry programs are offered at venues and times as designated by the ministry leaders.

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