The evangelism ministry is the outreach and evangelistic wing of the church. All church members are a part of this ministry. The core members of the ministry through various initiatives engage all members of the church in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in diverse modes.
The main objective of this ministry is soul winning through effective evangelism. This is in line with Christ’s mandate to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. Strategies of Effective Evangelism – how to bring people to Christ and make them disciples are therefore the main lessons taught at evangelism classes and seminars.
The in-depth study of the bible and the exploration of other biblical mysteries are also discussed at meetings and seminars to produce matured Christians and well-informed members of the church who would not be swayed by any false external teaching outside of sound biblical doctrine and principles. Visitations, follow-ups, counselling, discipling of new converts and backsliders are major undertakings of the Evangelism ministry.
An active prayer ministry also exists within the ministry. As many spiritual battles are fought through prayer, the ministry’s battle cry slogan is Victory, through the blood of Jesus!