God loves a cheerful giver and therefore all acts of giving must be done willingly and not under compulsion. It must be done out of one’s love for God and in obedience to God’s word.

Types of giving

Types of giving include freewill offerings, thanksgiving offerings, donations, Tithes – which represent a tenth of one’s earnings, and missions offerings to support the work of missions. While most of these acts of giving are monetary, all other tangible assets given to promote God’s work is encouraged. The giving of self; including skills and talents is also strongly encouraged. All these forms of giving are part of our core bible-based beliefs and practices.

Monetary giving to support God’s work can be done with the below details:

Account Number: 12-3436-0012831-00

Account / Payee Name: The Church of Pentecost

Particulars: Giving

Code: Purpose of Giving (e.g. Tithes, Love Offering, Ministry Support etc.)

Reference: Your Name

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